東亞印花廠始於1969 年,承接印花生產,至1997年業務擴展至成衣生產。 2010年英文易名為「UNIFORM 88」全力經營制服生產,秉承傳統經營理念 —— 以客為先,信用可靠,價廉物美,為各行各業提供一站式制服訂造服務。

本公司擁有25年生產經驗,產品實用,剪裁適中,品質嚴謹,自置物業,廠房生產配套完善。 專業制服管理,設計,生產各式馬球衣 (Polo Shirt)、圓領T恤(T-Shirt)、風褸、背心、恤衫、衛衣、褲、多功能工作服等多元化制服服飾。

為滿足不同行業需要,提供各類質材及功能布料,顏色齊備,可自由選配。 高質素電腦繡花及印刷工藝,如絲印、彩色燙畫/ 熱轉印、高清熱昇華等,以呈現最佳效果,提高顧客形象。



Uniform 88 is a one-stop professional uniform producer with self-owned property located in Tsuen Wan founded in 2010. Our company was established in the name of the East Asia Fabric Printing Factory, which was specialized in silk screen printing since 1969 and extended to uniform production in 1997. “Customer comes first, excellent quality with reasonable price” is our motto. Our professional team provides reliable, punctual and efficient services.

In China, we owned the perfect manufacturing facility with stringent quality control. We have a 20-year experience to tailor various uniforms, such as Polo Shirts, T-shirts, Jackets, Vests, Shirts, Sweater, Pants, Multi-function suite, etc.  All of our products are confidently guaranteed.

For different demands from different sectors, we have a rich collection of fabrics with different textures, functions and colours available. We also provide services in high-quality embroidery and printing technology (i.e. silk screen, colored heat transfer, high pixel sublimation, etc.) for the best effects to enrich your professional image.

After all, we are eager in innovating new products and discovering new services to cater every need of each customer. Care for your need, Work out your imagination!